Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Yee Haw!! Thanks Christine and Suz. I was beginning to think I was talking to meself... hmmm I guess I really am with a blog haha.
I haven't stitched much lately (sorry Kira....) but been reeeeealllly tired after the job evaluations. They are done now and we are all wiped. I know I promised to post a piccie of Noah's Sub, but I will wait a bit... maybe in a few days I will feel more myself.
On the other hand, with hubby being on 4-midnight shift, you think I would have time alone to myself. NO NO NO... I have been falling asleep at about 8 pm but holding out until 10ish (early for me the night hawk).
I did sign up for blogpatrol (to see who comes besided me ha ha) and could not remember my password. So I emailed em and got a wonderfully quick reply from Tony. He was wonderful. He also replied that my blogpatrol was not working and found my error and sent more info to correct my template. What a guy!!! Thanks Tony ( in case you read me). I was very impressed.
I have been reading Suz's and Whiz's blogs and found them very interesting and engaging. My brain is not fully functional to even TRY to emulate them. So I will just read them and enjoy the ride. ** note to self** make a schedule/plan/course of action to persue my blogs in an orderly fashion... hmmm my next ""list""".

Well, that's all for now..... Love ya all!!!! Lynn

1 comment:

Suz said...

Ok, just checking - if you mean persue as in writing them - then I would use notepad or word or something like that on the computer so you can keep a handy dandy textfile around.

If you mean persue like reading others, then I'd recommend bloglines - that's what I use. Not everyone has their blog set up for feeds though, so you have to remember to check in on some blogs - I'm bad and sometimes forget.