Thursday, March 09, 2006

Okily dokily. So, Bbaby (you know who you are) thought it odd he was not mentioned in my blog. Awww. sorry babe. Well, he is awesome and I can't wait to hear his voice.... supposedly a cockney accent mmmmmmmmmmmmm. and that giggle he he he gets me every time. I love to chat with him even tho his sig other is not happy bout that. Well, we ARE just friends and if she does not let me at least meet him this May when he comes over the pond to see Canada and is only 1 hour from me.... i will be spitting fire.... being the Taurus that I am.... and stubborn. well my inner dragon will come out.
I do look for him every time I get onto our fave site, but the time diff (he is 5 hrs ahead) makes it difficult... ah well, at least I have a piccie!!! yummy.
Not been stitching much, been too busy looking at new sites. Found some interesting BSDM sites and have been reading voyeuristically with much pleasure... hmm hubby may be interested to know what has got ME riled up. But that is another story.....
Been really tired lately, up late surfin and chatting..... STILL wondering if anyone reads me!!! I do read all my faves at least every couple of days. Like to keep on top of things..
Regarding my changes to my body, mind, psyche, and ALL things me. I have signed up to and am mightily impressed. Now i have to enter my data and READ a lot of stuff. The only problem I have (besides a severe sugar addiction) is my ability to actually post my measurements, size and state of my body. I love me but do not like my naked self. I am an ultra cool chick and have AWESOME ideas, thoughts and musings. I am also reading a tres cool book called The Thin Commandments and I think it may be my salvation. Really good ideas... may have to buy this one.
Still waiting on DT to give me that linkie...... Lynsky needs it WAAAAAAA
So at least I am keeping my word and trying to keep up to date with my blog.
oh yeah. M called the other day and I wish I could chat with him away from everywhere.... DAYUM his voice is HOT, HOT, HOT and he looks good too!!!!! yummm hmmmm at another time I would jump his bones in a flash.
Well, that's it for now... did I leave ya hanging? Let me know.
Love Lynn XOXOXO

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